"Exploring the Self as Bird with Robert James Russell, Sequential Artists Workshop" A four-panel comic of a bird saying, "Crap! No one's gonna take me seriously!" The bird puts on a cowboy hat and says, "There! Better! Who are you...as a bird? And why? Join me and find out! Yip! Fri 6/28 7pm! Free Zoom event! See ya there!"  

Click the image above or link below to see a full PDF of comics shared from this workshop!

Exploring the Self as Bird with Robert James Russell – Full PDF

"Exploring the Self as Bird with Robert James Russell, Sequential Artists Workshop" A four-panel comic of a bird saying, "Crap! No one's gonna take me seriously!" The bird puts on a cowboy hat and says, "There! Better! Who are you...as a bird? And why? Join me and find out! Yip! Fri 6/28 7pm! Free Zoom event! See ya there!"

Click the image above or link below to see a full PDF of comics shared from this workshop!

Exploring the Self as Bird with Robert James Russell - Full PDF

Published On: July 2, 2024

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