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“The problems of the Skyway are city-wide issues—homelessness, crime, and inequality. The skyways stop short of a hospital and a grocery store, forcing residents to step outdoors for essential services. Disabled activists fought for an elevator down to light rail but it was shuttered due to misuse. Foot traffic brings the challenges of humanity. For building owners, isolation saves money.” “As I walk down the corridors there are more new neighbors but I am haunted by communal memories of the past. The Saint Paul Port Authority built Town Square on the Skyway and later sold it to private owners. I moved in too late to appreciate the enormous indoor park with a multi-story waterfall path. Now water streams from windows awaiting repair. Despite the neglect, there are still attractive third places—areas outside of home and work for people to interact. It is our responsibility to nourish human connection.” “Conflict between profit and people is very old. The first Skyway was built to connect two banks—but the template for the modern system connected people to a courthouse. It gave them a safe route to justice. A system designed for human locomotion is rare in an era dominated by mechanical beasts. The skyways are the beating heart of Downtown St. Paul. Despite everything, we are still here.”

Support Adrean and buy this comic at their Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/s/ce2f357eeb

“The problems of the Skyway are city-wide issues—homelessness, crime, and inequality. The skyways stop short of a hospital and a grocery store, forcing residents to step outdoors for essential services. Disabled activists fought for an elevator down to light rail but it was shuttered due to misuse. Foot traffic brings the challenges of humanity. For building owners, isolation saves money.” “As I walk down the corridors there are more new neighbors but I am haunted by communal memories of the past. The Saint Paul Port Authority built Town Square on the Skyway and later sold it to private owners. I moved in too late to appreciate the enormous indoor park with a multi-story waterfall path. Now water streams from windows awaiting repair. Despite the neglect, there are still attractive third places—areas outside of home and work for people to interact. It is our responsibility to nourish human connection.” “Conflict between profit and people is very old. The first Skyway was built to connect two banks—but the template for the modern system connected people to a courthouse. It gave them a safe route to justice. A system designed for human locomotion is rare in an era dominated by mechanical beasts. The skyways are the beating heart of Downtown St. Paul. Despite everything, we are still here.”

Support Adrean and buy this comic at their Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/s/ce2f357eeb

Author: Adrean Clark
Hi! I'm Adrean Clark, an ASL Deaf artist. These are my comics.
Website: http://adreanaline.com
Author: Aman King
Aman King has had a lifelong interest in comics. He believes that comics can bring people and communities together, and be a vehicle for (re)discovering oneself. During the pandemic, he made the jump from reading comics to making comics. His year-long comics training at SAW enables him to balance comics making with his software industry day job. Raised in India, Aman is now settled in New South Wales, Australia.
Website: https://www.kingsimagine.com/
Author: Emil Wilson
Emil Wilson is an advertising art director, illustrator, and comics artist based in San Francisco. He is a recent graduate of The Center for Cartoon Studies. More of his work can be found on Instagram @emilwilsonart and online at the site below.
Website: http://emilwilsonart.com
Author: Emily Zilber
Emily Zilber is a cartoonist, writer, and illustrator. Her comics and visual essays focus on caretaking, artistic and curatorial labor, nurturing creativity, living in a body, parenting, and mental health. Her work has been published through MUTHA Magazine and the Sequential Artists Workshop. Find more of her work @emilyzilberdraws and her website below.
Website: https://www.emilyzilber.com
Author: Jim Hamilton
Jim Hamilton is an amateur historian from Marshfield, Massachusetts whose work can be found at www.greenharbor.com.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/greenharborpublications/
Author: Justin M. Carroll
Justin Carroll is an associate professor of American, British, and Native American history at IUE. He is a fine arts student interested in illustration and comic art.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/justcarr_phd/
Author: Mae Wilson
Mae Wilson (b.1991) is a cartoonist, illustrator, and storyteller from San Luis Obispo, California. She has worked as an art teacher, environmental educator, museum guide, and freelance illustrator. While working in museum interpretation, she became interested in the art of oral storytelling and the ways ideas are expanded, compressed, and shaped for a particular audience. Much of her work deals with how we see the world through our own experience and our relationship with the things we hide from ourselves.
Website: https://www.maewilsonstudios.com
Author: Maia Iotzova
Maia Iotzova (@maiaiotzova, maiaiotzova.com) was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and now works and lives in Montréal, Canada and Sofia. She is a visual artist, filmmaker, and graphic novelist. She uses a variety of mediums to explore the human relationship with nature and culture and is interested in identity and the human psyche. As a visual artist, Iotzova has had her work exhibited in Bulgaria, Croatia, Switzerland and Canada. She holds a BA in Fine Arts from University of Guelph, Canada.
Website: https://www.maiaiotzova.com
Author: Olivier Ballou
Olivier Ballou is a creative director based in Washington, DC. Learn more on Instagram @valdorneon.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/valdorneon/
Tags: history, informational, non-fiction
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Comic Series

Vanessa Davis in Paris trembley-undaunted-sq The pursuit of unhappiness Snow Emergency Route A circle stippled with a relaxed figure resting their head in their chin, rounded by the words "Push Pull" over a yellow background. "Let's Try Something Else: Mini-comics by Shannon Azzato" Shannon riding an electric scooter, accompanied by imaginary creatures. "Keeping Secrets by Judy Powell" A close-up of a woman with light skin and short blond hair burying her face in her hands. Across a white background and in an old western style font, the words "IN THE NEWS, AGAIN" are written in black and centered. Below the title is a cropped image of the eyes and snout of an alligator peaking out of the water, rendered in brown tones. Hold Still by Kim Laurenti Stylistically rendered with bright, flat colors, simplified shapes, and no line work: a man faces the reader across a cyan background with pink buildings and peach clouds. He stands on a pink road between cyan sidewalks. He is wearing aviator sunglasses and has a thick mustache with a stubbly chin. He wears a blue and black coat over a white Armani t-shirt; his hands are in his jacket pockets, to his side. We see down to his knees before the image cuts off. He is rendered with blue hair, peach skin, and a pink nose. He has an air of intimidating confidence. A cartoon of a woman with bright green skin and long pink hair that flows behind her. She is wearing a tiara, a pink dress, and red lipstick. She is surfing while reading a book. The right foot of another green person is standing on this surfer's left shoulder. Text in white, all-caps sans serif lettering reads: "Friday Night Comics" "FOOMIN" Flip Turns Cartoon Show Cover Beneath The Weeds I See B is Dying 1 Adrean Clark Thumbnail About See Saw Comics