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The page returns to purple and blue overtones. This page has a similar layout to the others - divided in half horizontally - but the top panel is fragmented into three. The negative space of the gutters is shaped like a tree trunk and a branch. In the leftmost panel, the figure is crouching down over the little pond and frogs, back to the reader. In the right, the figure, now facing the reader, has backed away slightly from the pond, from which a huge splash of water rises with a “PLIIP!” The figure is frowning, looking a bit taken aback. In the lower half, we return to a shot of just the water, which is now empty of frogs, who disappeared and left only ripples in their wake. The roots and base trunk of a tree rise out of the water in the background; it is still raining. There are even more splishes in this panel. Back to two panels. 1. A long shot of the woods, with a stretch of water like a little pond or creek (or just a swampy pool from the rain) cuts a path between the trees. To the left, the figure, somewhat dwarfed by the trees, stands with hands on hips, and calls out, “I know you’re there.” 2. A zoomed out, time lapse panel of the figure walking through the woods, cast in deep purples and muted browns. A full page spread, in layered purples and blues and browns, of the pond, framed by trees and rippling from the rain. An unseen frog calls out, “MERP.” The rain continues splishing.
The page returns to purple and blue overtones. This page has a similar layout to the others - divided in half horizontally - but the top panel is fragmented into three. The negative space of the gutters is shaped like a tree trunk and a branch. In the leftmost panel, the figure is crouching down over the little pond and frogs, back to the reader. In the right, the figure, now facing the reader, has backed away slightly from the pond, from which a huge splash of water rises with a “PLIIP!” The figure is frowning, looking a bit taken aback. In the lower half, we return to a shot of just the water, which is now empty of frogs, who disappeared and left only ripples in their wake. The roots and base trunk of a tree rise out of the water in the background; it is still raining. There are even more splishes in this panel. Back to two panels. 1. A long shot of the woods, with a stretch of water like a little pond or creek (or just a swampy pool from the rain) cuts a path between the trees. To the left, the figure, somewhat dwarfed by the trees, stands with hands on hips, and calls out, “I know you’re there.” 2. A zoomed out, time lapse panel of the figure walking through the woods, cast in deep purples and muted browns. A full page spread, in layered purples and blues and browns, of the pond, framed by trees and rippling from the rain. An unseen frog calls out, “MERP.” The rain continues splishing.

Author: Aman King
Aman King has had a lifelong interest in comics. He believes that comics can bring people and communities together, and be a vehicle for (re)discovering oneself. During the pandemic, he made the jump from reading comics to making comics. His year-long comics training at SAW enables him to balance comics making with his software industry day job. Raised in India, Aman is now settled in New South Wales, Australia.
Website: https://www.kingsimagine.com/
Author: Emil Wilson
Emil Wilson is an advertising art director, illustrator, and comics artist based in San Francisco. He is a recent graduate of The Center for Cartoon Studies. More of his work can be found on Instagram @emilwilsonart and online at the site below.
Website: http://emilwilsonart.com
Author: Emily Zilber
Emily Zilber is a cartoonist, writer, and illustrator. Her comics and visual essays focus on caretaking, artistic and curatorial labor, nurturing creativity, living in a body, parenting, and mental health. Her work has been published through MUTHA Magazine and the Sequential Artists Workshop. Find more of her work @emilyzilberdraws and her website below.
Website: https://www.emilyzilber.com
Author: Jim Hamilton
Jim Hamilton is an amateur historian from Marshfield, Massachusetts whose work can be found at www.greenharbor.com.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/greenharborpublications/
Author: Justin M. Carroll
Justin Carroll is an associate professor of American, British, and Native American history at IUE. He is a fine arts student interested in illustration and comic art.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/justcarr_phd/
Author: Mae Wilson
Mae Wilson (b.1991) is a cartoonist, illustrator, and storyteller from San Luis Obispo, California. She has worked as an art teacher, environmental educator, museum guide, and freelance illustrator. While working in museum interpretation, she became interested in the art of oral storytelling and the ways ideas are expanded, compressed, and shaped for a particular audience. Much of her work deals with how we see the world through our own experience and our relationship with the things we hide from ourselves.
Website: https://www.maewilsonstudios.com
Author: Maia Iotzova
Maia Iotzova (@maiaiotzova, maiaiotzova.com) was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and now works and lives in Montréal, Canada and Sofia. She is a visual artist, filmmaker, and graphic novelist. She uses a variety of mediums to explore the human relationship with nature and culture and is interested in identity and the human psyche. As a visual artist, Iotzova has had her work exhibited in Bulgaria, Croatia, Switzerland and Canada. She holds a BA in Fine Arts from University of Guelph, Canada.
Website: https://www.maiaiotzova.com
Author: Olivier Ballou
Olivier Ballou is a creative director based in Washington, DC. Learn more on Instagram @valdorneon.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/valdorneon/
Tags: non-fiction, slice of life
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