Published On: June 16, 2024

2 thoughts on “Notes for My Shrink #4 – Selfies

  1. ❤️ Love this, Donna!💜

  2. What a wonderful surprise to stumble on this at 4am ( when I am supposed to be asleep) today we ( group of people ) go to spread the ashes of a friend on the Kinneret (AKA Sea of Galilee) it was her favorite place . I don’t feel particularly sad ..just very curious what this day will be like. It will include food and friendship and music and prayerfull speeches and swimming and a very long bus ride and possibly most likely missiles being intercepted by Iron Dome. Which have been non stop up north. It surprises me I don’t feel anything particularly. ( Might be the medication I take for anxiety) My note here may be the caption of the graphic narrative I will make out of today’s adventure.

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