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Spider balances on one leg, holding the rest of their body up high and imagining a human ballerina lifting their leg high while standing on their toes. Spider’s leg shakes and they grimace. “I fought not to fall.” Spider crashes into the ground with a THUD! “But I found that I failed.” Spider sits with their head resting on their two front legs, looking frustrated. Outside there is a bustling scene. A dance studio shows three dancers in the pose spider just attempted. People are jumping rope and walking dogs outside. Someone shouts, “Clean out those corners!” Another, “Watch out!” Spider peers on the scene from their web, sending hearts to the dancers and sighing. “To be continued…”
Spider balances on one leg, holding the rest of their body up high and imagining a human ballerina lifting their leg high while standing on their toes. Spider’s leg shakes and they grimace. “I fought not to fall.”

Spider crashes into the ground with a THUD! “But I found that I failed.” Spider sits with their head resting on their two front legs, looking frustrated. Outside there is a bustling scene. A dance studio shows three dancers in the pose spider just attempted. People are jumping rope and walking dogs outside. Someone shouts, “Clean out those corners!” Another, “Watch out!”

Spider peers on the scene from their web, sending hearts to the dancers and sighing. “To be continued…”

Author: Frankie D
Frankie is a cartoonist from New Jersey who adores anything paranormal or spooky. He also likes Frankenstein a completely normal amount. His website has links to other socials, find them at electricfrank3n.weebly.com.
Website: http://electricfrank3n.weebly.com
Author: J. Autumn Needles
J. Autumn Needles teaches Pilates in Seattle and likes to move her body in different ways. She also likes how other bodies move and learn, so she’s having fun with the adventures of her new spider friend. Stay tuned for the full kids’ comic starring Spider and connect @grub2comics on Instagram!
Website: https://www.instagram.com/grub2comics/
Author: Jennifer Shiman
Jennifer Shiman is a cartoonist and creator of 30-Second Bunnies Theatre, with over 95 animated shorts. She just finished the first draft of graphic novel World’s End Detective Agency, in which Avery Bear must save a town from the villainous dragon who happens to be her client. Find Jennifer at Patreon.com/30SecondBunniesTheatre, AngryAlien.com, and JenniferShiman.com.
Website: http://JenniferShiman.com
Author: Rob Stephens
Rob drawer, painter, printmaker, now com- ics maker. He went to Southern Methodist University, and Ohio State University. Later he taught studio art at universities. Musician adjacent. Queer. His legs don’t work good anymore. Things might work out. Find him @goodkidrob
Website: https://www.goodkidrob.com
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Comic Series

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