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Two vultures are perched atop a branch running horizontally across the page, above the author note:

"A Note From the Creator
This visual diary was produced during a very busy year.

It starts in January 2021, when we were still very much in that strange first year of the pandemic.

6 months earlier I had taken part in SAW’s Graphic Novel Intensive. It was such a strange time and our little group really leaned into each other as we made comics and tried to make sense of it all.

Time felt more expansive and there was room to create. But that feeling didn’t last long as I made the decision to finish a degree I had started years prior.

My interest in regenerative agriculture was the impetus for my leap back into university life. But the juggle of school, job and family slammed me back into a hurried existence that left little time for art. On a whim, I started drawing daily pictures with quick, dry accounts of the day. I guess the idea was to help me remember the year as well as force myself to work on my weak drawing skills. They were never intended to be in the public eye and would have been approached quite differently had…" "…I known they might. It was my friends at SAW that saw some value in these pages and prompted their publication.

I do believe their merit lies in the evidence that even small attempts at something over time amount to something much bigger.

While this diary is far from being considered in the realm of comics, the act of drawing the steadfast march of life over the course of time could probably be considered sequential art.

There was so much more life happening beyond these pages, but these little sketches helped stave the ever present artists’ guilt to create. I even hated doing them most days but it felt important that I was doing something.
- Kim Laurenti, May 2023"
Two vultures are perched atop a branch running horizontally across the page, above the author note: "A Note From the Creator This visual diary was produced during a very busy year. It starts in January 2021, when we were still very much in that strange first year of the pandemic. 6 months earlier I had taken part in SAW’s Graphic Novel Intensive. It was such a strange time and our little group really leaned into each other as we made comics and tried to make sense of it all. Time felt more expansive and there was room to create. But that feeling didn’t last long as I made the decision to finish a degree I had started years prior. My interest in regenerative agriculture was the impetus for my leap back into university life. But the juggle of school, job and family slammed me back into a hurried existence that left little time for art. On a whim, I started drawing daily pictures with quick, dry accounts of the day. I guess the idea was to help me remember the year as well as force myself to work on my weak drawing skills. They were never intended to be in the public eye and would have been approached quite differently had…" "…I known they might. It was my friends at SAW that saw some value in these pages and prompted their publication. I do believe their merit lies in the evidence that even small attempts at something over time amount to something much bigger. While this diary is far from being considered in the realm of comics, the act of drawing the steadfast march of life over the course of time could probably be considered sequential art. There was so much more life happening beyond these pages, but these little sketches helped stave the ever present artists’ guilt to create. I even hated doing them most days but it felt important that I was doing something. - Kim Laurenti, May 2023"
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Comic Series

Vanessa Davis in Paris trembley-undaunted-sq The pursuit of unhappiness Snow Emergency Route A circle stippled with a relaxed figure resting their head in their chin, rounded by the words "Push Pull" over a yellow background. "Let's Try Something Else: Mini-comics by Shannon Azzato" Shannon riding an electric scooter, accompanied by imaginary creatures. "Keeping Secrets by Judy Powell" A close-up of a woman with light skin and short blond hair burying her face in her hands. Across a white background and in an old western style font, the words "IN THE NEWS, AGAIN" are written in black and centered. Below the title is a cropped image of the eyes and snout of an alligator peaking out of the water, rendered in brown tones. Hold Still by Kim Laurenti Stylistically rendered with bright, flat colors, simplified shapes, and no line work: a man faces the reader across a cyan background with pink buildings and peach clouds. He stands on a pink road between cyan sidewalks. He is wearing aviator sunglasses and has a thick mustache with a stubbly chin. He wears a blue and black coat over a white Armani t-shirt; his hands are in his jacket pockets, to his side. We see down to his knees before the image cuts off. He is rendered with blue hair, peach skin, and a pink nose. He has an air of intimidating confidence. A cartoon of a woman with bright green skin and long pink hair that flows behind her. She is wearing a tiara, a pink dress, and red lipstick. She is surfing while reading a book. The right foot of another green person is standing on this surfer's left shoulder. Text in white, all-caps sans serif lettering reads: "Friday Night Comics" "FOOMIN" Flip Turns Cartoon Show Cover Beneath The Weeds I See B is Dying 1 Adrean Clark Thumbnail About See Saw Comics