First panel: A white-haired man with glasses looks at the reader and says, “Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fall a long way? And I mean a really long way.” Second panel: The narrator continues: “Like thousands of feet out of an airplane or off of a really tall building.” Meanwhile, an out-of-control plane dives through the clouds as the pilot’s parachute streams above him. The pilot shouts, “Aaaaah!!!” Third panel: The narrator poses a question: “Could anyone survive such a fall without a working parachute? The answer is yes.” The pilot, falling through the air with a streaming parachute, says, “Thank goodness!” as a bird looks on incredulously. Fourth panel: The narrator, the aforementioned white-haired man, says, “I will be answering questions about falling. Let me know if you have any.” The pilot, in the meantime, is hanging safely, caught in a tree and suspended above the ground by his parachute, which never opened. A man runs up to him and says, “Are you okay?” and the pilot replies, “Yup…”
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fall a long way?

First panel: A white-haired man with glasses looks at the reader and says, “Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fall a long way? And I mean a really long way.” Second panel: The narrator continues: “Like thousands of feet out of an airplane or off of a really tall building.” Meanwhile, an out-of-control plane dives through the clouds as the pilot’s parachute streams above him. The pilot shouts, “Aaaaah!!!” Third panel: The narrator poses a question: “Could anyone survive such a fall without a working parachute? The answer is yes.” The pilot, falling through the air with a streaming parachute, says, “Thank goodness!” as a bird looks on incredulously. Fourth panel: The narrator, the aforementioned white-haired man, says, “I will be answering questions about falling. Let me know if you have any.” The pilot, in the meantime, is hanging safely, caught in a tree and suspended above the ground by his parachute, which never opened. A man runs up to him and says, “Are you okay?” and the pilot replies, “Yup…”
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fall a long way?

Published On: January 13, 2025

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