Panel 1:
Did you really appear on TV?
The text, “Yes, I did,” appears in a tinted rectangular box that looks like a television screen. The white-haired man who says this is wearing a dark sports jacket and an open-collared shirt and is seen from the chest up. The words “Jim Hamilton, author, Falling: Amazing Survival Stories,” appear at the lower left of the screen. Below the screen, are the words, I was invited to appear on The History Channel Program, The UnXplained with William Shatner.
Panel 2:
Question: Did you get to meet Shatner?
“No, he did not,” says the silhouetted figure of William Shatner, who is shown from the chest up dressed in a light sports jacket and a dark open-collared shirt. Next to him the text reads: The episode was called “Surviving the Impossible (Season 4, Episode 11). It included two long-fall survival stories.
Panel 3:
One of those was Vesna Vulović, the sole survivor of a Yugoslavian airliner that was destroyed in mid-air in 1972. The illustration shows a flight attendant in uniform with a hat on her head and a dark scarf around her neck. She is posing with her right fist under her chin. In the background a jet airliner sits on a runway facing away from her.
Panel 4: 
The other was Alcides Moreno, a window washer who fell 47 stories from a Manhattan skyscraper in 2007. The illustration shows two men in a window-washing rig that is tilted dangerously to the left in front of the windows of a high-rise building. At the bottom of the panel are the words, You can watch it on Netflix.
This cartoon is part of a series called Falling. It is written and drawn by Jim Hamilton who can be found on Instagram at Green Harbor Publications (all one word, greenharborpublications).
Panel 1: Did you really appear on TV? The text, “Yes, I did,” appears in a tinted rectangular box that looks like a television screen. The white-haired man who says this is wearing a dark sports jacket and an open-collared shirt and is seen from the chest up. The words “Jim Hamilton, author, Falling: Amazing Survival Stories,” appear at the lower left of the screen. Below the screen, are the words, I was invited to appear on The History Channel Program, The UnXplained with William Shatner. Panel 2: Question: Did you get to meet Shatner? “No, he did not,” says the silhouetted figure of William Shatner, who is shown from the chest up dressed in a light sports jacket and a dark open-collared shirt. Next to him the text reads: The episode was called “Surviving the Impossible (Season 4, Episode 11). It included two long-fall survival stories. Panel 3: One of those was Vesna Vulović, the sole survivor of a Yugoslavian airliner that was destroyed in mid-air in 1972. The illustration shows a flight attendant in uniform with a hat on her head and a dark scarf around her neck. She is posing with her right fist under her chin. In the background a jet airliner sits on a runway facing away from her. Panel 4: The other was Alcides Moreno, a window washer who fell 47 stories from a Manhattan skyscraper in 2007. The illustration shows two men in a window-washing rig that is tilted dangerously to the left in front of the windows of a high-rise building. At the bottom of the panel are the words, You can watch it on Netflix. This cartoon is part of a series called Falling. It is written and drawn by Jim Hamilton who can be found on Instagram at Green Harbor Publications (all one word, greenharborpublications).
Published On: January 30, 2025

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