Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Practitioner of the Vajrayana Buddhist practice has written (and this is the full quote): “If you were to fall to your death from a very great height it would be a shame not to enjoy the view as you fell or to fail to appreciate the wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your face”
Alongside the first thirteen words of this quote is a drawing of a bald man with a moustache and a goatee. He wears round glasses, hoop earrings, and a robe with intricate patterns on it. He looks very peaceful.
Panel 2:
The illustration in the second panel shows a long-haired person in a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and dark shoes in mid-air falling feet-first toward a town in a mountainous landscape. A road and a river wind off in the distance.
The following words from the quote appear in this panel: “…it would be a shame not to enjoy the view as you fell…”
Panel 3:
The illustration shows the same person falling with their chest down and their arms stretched out. In the upper right corner of the panel is a stylized drawing of the sun. In the lower left corner, a god-like female figure representing the wind blows toward the falling person.
These words from the quote appear in this panel: “…or to fail to appreciate the wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your face…
Panel 4: 
A drawing of a Buddhist statue sitting on an intricate base appears to the right of the text. The statue is white. The figure is sitting cross-legged with its arms in front of its chest. Its hands are open with the forefinger and thumb touching. It wears a robe that is slung over its left shoulder leaving the right arm and part of the chest exposed. It has long ears and what appears to be hair arranged in a bun on top of tits head. Its eyes are cast downward, and it has a peaceful, smiling expression on its face,
These words from the quote appear in this panel: “…to experience the raw voltage of being alive requires that we learn to lick honey from the razor’s edge.”
This cartoon is part of a series called Falling. It is written and drawn by Jim Hamilton who can be found on Instagram at Green Harbor Publications (all one word, greenharborpublications).
Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Practitioner of the Vajrayana Buddhist practice has written (and this is the full quote): “If you were to fall to your death from a very great height it would be a shame not to enjoy the view as you fell or to fail to appreciate the wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your face” Alongside the first thirteen words of this quote is a drawing of a bald man with a moustache and a goatee. He wears round glasses, hoop earrings, and a robe with intricate patterns on it. He looks very peaceful. Panel 2: The illustration in the second panel shows a long-haired person in a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and dark shoes in mid-air falling feet-first toward a town in a mountainous landscape. A road and a river wind off in the distance. The following words from the quote appear in this panel: “…it would be a shame not to enjoy the view as you fell…” Panel 3: The illustration shows the same person falling with their chest down and their arms stretched out. In the upper right corner of the panel is a stylized drawing of the sun. In the lower left corner, a god-like female figure representing the wind blows toward the falling person. These words from the quote appear in this panel: “…or to fail to appreciate the wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your face… Panel 4: A drawing of a Buddhist statue sitting on an intricate base appears to the right of the text. The statue is white. The figure is sitting cross-legged with its arms in front of its chest. Its hands are open with the forefinger and thumb touching. It wears a robe that is slung over its left shoulder leaving the right arm and part of the chest exposed. It has long ears and what appears to be hair arranged in a bun on top of tits head. Its eyes are cast downward, and it has a peaceful, smiling expression on its face, These words from the quote appear in this panel: “…to experience the raw voltage of being alive requires that we learn to lick honey from the razor’s edge.” This cartoon is part of a series called Falling. It is written and drawn by Jim Hamilton who can be found on Instagram at Green Harbor Publications (all one word, greenharborpublications).
Published On: February 12, 2025

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