Panel 1:
The question “What is an “unbounce” anniversary?” appears above a drawing of a skydiver who is screaming because his parachute has not opened.
Panel 2:
The answer begins: “In a way, an unbounce anniversary is like a re-birthday.” The falling skydiver heads towards the ground near some trees. To his right sits a layer cake with five burning candles on it. 
Panel 3:
At the left, with a giant question mark above his head, the skydiver is surrounded by bent trees that appear to have softened his fall. He appears uninjured. The test reads as follows: “It’s the annual celebration of the day that a person survives a long fall without a functioning parachute.”
Panel 4: 
The text “Unbouncing defined” appears above a chalk-style outline of a human body. The text below provides an “unbouncing” definition: “When the faller lives to see another day rather than leaving a human-shaped impression in the ground.”
Panel 1: The question “What is an “unbounce” anniversary?” appears above a drawing of a skydiver who is screaming because his parachute has not opened. Panel 2: The answer begins: “In a way, an unbounce anniversary is like a re-birthday.” The falling skydiver heads towards the ground near some trees. To his right sits a layer cake with five burning candles on it. Panel 3: At the left, with a giant question mark above his head, the skydiver is surrounded by bent trees that appear to have softened his fall. He appears uninjured. The test reads as follows: “It’s the annual celebration of the day that a person survives a long fall without a functioning parachute.” Panel 4: The text “Unbouncing defined” appears above a chalk-style outline of a human body. The text below provides an “unbouncing” definition: “When the faller lives to see another day rather than leaving a human-shaped impression in the ground.”
Published On: January 20, 2025

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